In our Office Lawyers we have acquired an extended experience in making different formal eteps in Autonomy and gobernmental institutions and at the same time with Town Municipalities developping formal steps like the following:
Operating licenses and permits for signs.
Procedures for obtaining the licence for the commercialization of alcoholic drinkings.
Precedures for obtaining the licence of music in concert or by electronic media.
Appeal or revocations by economics road tax punishments.
Procedures Municipality taxation.
Openning companies and clossing companies in a Municipality level.
Public and privates biddings.
Procedures with Regular or Autonomy institutions in Forest matters, hidrocarbons, electric, telecomunications and public services.
In our country also creation of new institutions like supperintendency of competence opens the possibilities of safeguard the Rights by this way in our lawyers office has been peoneer in following procedures of this kind facing this institution.
Besice, we have represented a lot of our customers as well in conciliation audiences like in punishes judges to direction of protection to the consumer level by making foundations, partnerships with out profit ends with its statutes, rules, etc.
Beside, we have lent presence to national and international customers so they could participate in public biddings for the construction of buildings or supplierness of buildings and services to the State.
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